Information about websitesontv

Hello and thanks for visiting. My name is David. I am an entrepreneur at heart. I own a non-profit company, KIDS INC. in Denver Colorado for 20 yrs. I'm now a Websites On TV Agency Owner with the great joy of helping others start a great home based business that is cutting edge and setting the stage for the newest way to drive traffic to websites. This is brand new and the other internet marketers aren't using this yet... get involved with this and you will catch this bubble on the way up instead of the way down!
Question: Do you want the internet dream?
Answer : This web site will empower the 97% of every internet marketers in the world that right now who at this exact moment in time is very, very frustrated because they don't know how to get traffic, and will put their web sites on National TV Commercial Ad rotators, so they will get the web site traffic that they never could before! What business owner wouldn't want to advertise their business on TV for pennies.
This is a game changer and all the people that have tried and tried and tried to make money online but couldn't quite do it...and get this, our spokes model is Miss USA! If you're looking for an honest opportunity that will change the way websites are marketing, check us out today!
side note: Here's a great free site to make a little extra money. Great for teens.
Also check out the funding initiative we're launching in Denver.